Rabu, 14 Oktober 2015

Keep Drawing, Keep Creating

A simple hand-drawing can lead everyone in a peace ! @JUNXION artwork by nandasur

Keep Drawing Keep Creating

A simple hand-drawing could lead everyone in a peace!
This article is about peace, freedom, justice that everyone has a right to get.

            In many centuries, too many people suffer from world’s war that exactly never stops up to now, JUNXION comes to eliminate those scars which irresponsible people make. Suffer that’s not only human kind got impact, suffer that’s not only stubbing physically, suffer that’s not everyone going to get it away easily, suffer that’s extremely causing continuously effect, suffer that perfectly remain everlasting scar. All we need is simple, and many can be expressed in single words; peace, honor, justice, mercy, hope, dream, etc.

            This hand-drawing simply represent the whole feelings of majority people deserve. Peaceful, is all we need. The more hand-drawings to create a peace, the quicker we will get justice, the more pictures we draw to create hope, the faster wars stop. JUNXION was born to contribute himself in making those dreams come true.